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There is no special syntax for cycles in niva, everything is a message send.

For loops

1..3 forEach: [ it echo ] // 1 2 3 1..<3 forEach: [ it echo ] // 1 2

Here .. is a binary message for Int that creates IntRange.
And IntRange can receive forEach: message.

with indexing:

3..5 forEachIndexed: [i, it -> "index: $i" echo "value $it" echo ]

The type signature of forEachIndexed here is
IntRange forEachIndexed: [Int, Int -> Any]
Which means that it takes a codeblock that receive 2 parameters, one of them is index and second is the number itself.

With custom steps:

1 to: 10 by: 2 do: [it echo] // 1 3 5 7 9

While loop

While loop is just a message for the codeblock:
[ -> Boolean] whileTrue: [ -> Unit]

// there is also whileFalse mut x = 10 [x > 0] whileTrue: [ x echo x <- x dec ]

Iterate over collections

{1 2 3} forEach: [it echo]
{1 2 3} forEachIndexed: [i, it -> "index: $i" echo "value $it" echo ]

Over map:

#{"a" 1 "b" 2 "c" 3} forEach: [ k, v -> k echo v echo ]

See collections chapter for more


Here are some useful messages for ranges

(1..5) first // 1 (1..5) last // 5 (1..5 step: 2) contains: 3 // true (1..<5) random // 2

Iterate with break

If you really need to break while iterating collection you can add this method to your codebase:

MutableList::T forEachBreak::[T -> Boolean] -> Unit = [ this forEach: [ // check that every iteration returns true // othervice return from the function forEachBreak T: it |> not => ^ ] ]

And use it like:

{1 2 3 4 5} forEachBreak: [ it echo it % 3 != 0 // last statement must be Boolean ]

So it will print 1 2 3 and break 3 is divisible by 3 without a remainder.
Basically it can be replaced with whileTrue: msg

Last modified: 14 December 2024