Literal for mutable list collection is {1, 2, 3}
Commas are optional {1 2 3}
Creating list
x = {1 2 3}
To create an empty list you need to specify the type, because its impossible to infer it from the empty collection.
x::MutableList::Int = {}
You can put messages inside collection with braces:
collectionWithMessages = {(1 inc) (2 inc) (3 inc inc)}
// {2 3 5}
Accessing elements
Indexing starts from 0, like in most programming languages
list = {1 2 3}
second = list at: 1
second echo // 2
There are a more safe way of doing that - atOrNull:
message will return nullable value.
You need to unpack it with one of unpack methods. Here are the most common ones:
maybeSecond = list atOrNull: 1
// will eval body only if there are a value
maybeSecond unpack: [it echo]
// if its null, replace it with 0
real1 = maybeSecond unpackOrValue: 0
// unsafe unpacking, will throw an error
real = maybeSecond unpackOrError
You can add new elements with add: T
list = {1 2 3}
list add: 4
list echo
Add all elements of another collection
list addAll: {4 5 6}
You can add elements into specific places with at: Int put: T
list = {1 2 3}
list at: 2 put: 4 // C-like: list[2] = 4
// {1 2 4}
Common messages
list = {1 2 3}
list count // 3
isThere2 = list contains: 2
llist map: [it toString + "s"]
list filter: [it % 2 == 0]
list chunked: 2 // {{1 2} {3}}
list reversed
list shuffled // usefull for solitaire implementation
list find: [it % 2 == 0] // find element, retunrs nullable T?
list firstOrNull // get first item
list firstOrNull: [it % 2 == 0] // find first item
list indexOfFirst: [it % 2 == 0] // find first index by condition
list indexOfLast: [it % 2 == 0] // find first index by condition
list clear // remove all elements
To get all of them run niva info >
If you wanna run many processing messages like map:
on the collection it's better to transform it to sequence.
Then, instead of creating intermediate collections, actions will be performed on each element separately.
list = {1 2 3 4 5 6 7}
str = list asSequence |>
filter: [it % 2 == 0] |>
map: [it * 10] |>
joinTransform: [it + it |> toString]
// 40, 80, 120
Last modified: 23 October 2024