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It will be Smalltalk like language, but statically typed. Niva targets JVM, and provides easy way to call any Java\Kotlin code.
On an imaginary graph of complexity, I would put it here:
Go < Niva < Java < Kotlin < Scala

Niva is strongly inspired by the forgotten Smalltalk language

smalltalk rules.png

Niva combines some OOP and functional properties


  • There are no functions, everything is method, in other words there is always a receiver ("Hello" print instead of print("Hello"))


  • There are no inheritance, interfaces, abstract classes. Instead, tagged unions are heavily utilized.

  • This greatly reduces dynamism, the code is easier to understand because you always know which specific method will be called.

  • There are no if\while\do while, everything is a message send, like in Smalltalk

Syntax without much explanation

Here are syntax examples to give you a general impression. Everything will be discussed in detail below.

// declare type with 2 fields type Person name: String age: Int person = Person name: "Alice" age: 24 // instantiate person name echo // get person name: "new name" // set // unary method declaration Person hi = "Hi! my name is $name" echo person hi // unary call // method with args Person foo::Int bar::Int = [ age + foo + bar |> echo // same as (age + foo + bar) echo ] person foo: 1 bar: 2 // 27 printed union Shape = | Rectangle width: Int height: Int | Circle radius: Int constructor Float PI = 3.14 Float PI // constructor call
Last modified: 05 July 2024