niva Help

Basic Syntax

"Hello world" echo

niva run main.niva
Instead of echo("Hello world") we use "Hello world" echo

Message send

Everything in niva except the type declaration is a message sending, kinda like lisp, but no parentheses and typed.

So, let's get familiar with message syntax.

// add badge To run the code, create a file main.niva and run it with niva run
It will take longer for the first time

Structured by AST

  1. Declarations

    1. Type

    2. Message

    3. Constructor

    4. Variable declaration

    5. Unions

    6. Enums

  2. Expressions

    1. Message send

    2. Control flow TODO

    3. Code blocks

    4. Pipes

    5. Cascade

Last modified: 29 July 2024