niva Help

Message Send


Let's look at nested function call from C like lang:


It reads from the inside out or from right to left.
Let's remove parenthesis

foo bar foobar 42

And now invert, to make it readable:

42 foobar bar foo

Now we got niva syntax!

1 inc inc == 3 5 factorial == 20 "Hello" count == 5 "Hello" reverse == "olleH"

Some ML languages use pipe operators to achieve the same readability
42 |> foobar |> bar |> foo

So every call has a receiver that receive "message"
1 inc factorial
receiver <- message1 <- message2

Here is a more complex example:


There are three kinds of messages.
You are already familiar with unary, it has one arg(it's receiver).
But what if we need more args?


//This is the most common way to send messages

What about sending messages with arguments?
1 add 2
okay, but what if we have more args
1 addMany 2 3 4 add 2
this is pretty unreadable, so we need to distinguish each arg
1 add: 2
widget widgh: 250 height: 250
If you need to compose keyword msgs inside each other use (), also you can put args on new lines:

widget widgh: 250 height: 250 color: (Color r: 0 b: 255 g: 255)

Do you find this readable?

"12.09.2024" replace: "." with: "-" 1 to: 5 do: [ it echo ] // 12345

In C like languages there is a concept of calling functions with named arguments
So in niva name of the function and name of the arguments are the same

// TODO пикча из презентации пхаро


Binary messages is a pretty common syntax:

1 + 2 "a" + "b" + "c"

But its not operators, its still a messages for receiver:
receiver + arg

unary always evaluate first,
1 inc inc + 4 dec->
(1 inc inc) + (4 dec)->
3 + 3->

Here are some examples that became looks like DSL because of that rule:


Send keyword to keyword

1 from: 2 to: 3 Is

Last modified: 12 June 2024