Simple example
Bind package: "java.math" content: [
type BigDecimal value: String
BigDecimal + BigDecimal -> BigDecimal
BigDecimal - BigDecimal -> BigDecimal
BigDecimal * BigDecimal -> BigDecimal
BigDecimal / BigDecimal -> BigDecimal
Bind package: "kotlin.text" content: [
String split::String -> List::String = []
"hi Mark" split: " " // {}
Load package from maven central
Project loadPackages: List::String
Project loadPackages: {"org.jetbrains.kotlinx:kotlinx-datetime:0.4.1"}
Bind package: "kotlinx.datetime" content: [
type Clock
type Instant
type LocalDateTime hour: Int
type TimeZone id: String
constructor TimeZone currentSystemDefault
constructor TimeZone of::String = []
type FixedOffsetTimeZone
Clock now -> Instant
Instant toLocalDateTime::TimeZone -> LocalDateTime
// ...
is useful when signature of niva method doesn't match with target
1 from: 2 to: 3
==1.fromTo(2, 3)
HttpClient send::Request handler::Handlers
!=fun HttpClient.send(x: Request,y: Handlers){}
In such cases we can use
Bind package: "" content: [
type URI
constructor URI new::String -> URI
Bind package: "" content: [
type HttpRequest value: String
constructor HttpRequest newBuilder -> HttpRequest
HttpRequest uri::URI -> HttpRequest
HttpRequest build -> HttpRequest
type BodyHandlers
type HttpResponse
HttpResponse body -> String
@rename: "BodyHandlers.ofString"
constructor HttpResponse ofString -> BodyHandlers
type HttpClient value: String
constructor HttpClient newHttpClient -> HttpClient
@rename: "send"
HttpClient send::HttpRequest handler::BodyHandlers -> HttpResponse
client = HttpClient newHttpClient
request = HttpRequest newBuilder uri: (URI new: "" |> build)
response = client send: request handler: (HttpResponse ofString)
response body echo
Since everything in niva should have a receiver, here is a common approach on binding functions without receiver:
create fake type
create the constructor
add @emit pragma
Bind package: "" content: [
type Console
@emit: "readln()"
constructor Console readln -> String
// from niva: Console readln
Change the order of the arguments
Sometimes you need arguments in different order, or even receiver, you can do it with $N
where $0 is the receiver, and #1-N is the message arguments
Project loadPackages: {"io.exoquery:pprint-kotlin:2.0.2"}
Bind package: "io.exoquery" content: [
@emit: "pprint($0)"
Any pprint -> String
1 pprint
"sas" pprint
Person name: "Alice" age: 24 |> pprint
Last modified: 08 August 2024