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CompileTime Reflection

You can get the names of the arguments with Compiler getName: numberOfArgument message. It can be really helpful to create cool debug and assert messages.

T debug -> T = [ receiverName = Compiler getName: 0 value = this toString "$receiverName = $value" echo ^ this ] x = 5 x debug // "x = 5"

This assert will print both the expressions and its values if fail.

type Assert constructor Assert that::Any equals::Any -> Unit! = [ a = Compiler getName: 1 b = Compiler getName: 2 that != equals => [ msg = "Assertion failed: $a' != $b' ($that != $equals)" Error throwWithMessage: msg ] ] // Try it yourself with x = 4 Assert that: x equals: 1 inc inc // Very usefull for testing

Try to run this:

type Tape pos: Int Tape sas = [ receiverName = Compiler getName: 0 "sas receiverName is $receiverName" echo ] Tape key1::Int key2::String = [ receiverName = Compiler getName: 0 firstArg = Compiler getName: 1 secondArg = Compiler getName: 2 "key1:key2: receiverName is $receiverName" echo "key1:key2: firstArg is $firstArg" echo "key1:key2: secondArg is $secondArg" echo ] tape = Tape pos: 5 tape sas strangeTape = Tape pos: -1 strangeTape sas foo = 1 bar = "bar" tape key1: foo key2: "bar"
Last modified: 02 November 2024