niva Help

Error effects handling

Raising errors

Throwing errors is a simple message for error object

err = Error1 text: "Important error information ^_^" err throw

Defining custom errors

The same as unions:

errordomain MyError = | Error1 text: String | Error2 code: Int


x = "text.txt" reatContent ifError: [ "got some error!!!" echo | it | Error1 => it text echo "default value" ]

Defining possible errors in return type

Errors are effects that poison call stack.
Its kinda errors as values + exception in one thing.

  1. They are explicit in methods signature: -> Int!Error or -> Int![Error1 Error2]

  2. You don't always need to catch them, they will go further up stuck until caught

  3. You can force catching all possible errors if you define empty errors list: -> Int![]

If method can throw error you need to mark its return type other-vice it will be a compile time error.
// TODO screenshot of such error

// ERROR not all possible errors mentioned use "-> Int!Error1" Int sus -> Int = [ Error1 text: "qwf" |> throw ]

If you lazy you can use just !, like -> Int!.
That's means any type of error, correct type will be inferred anyway, you just wont see it in signature

Int sas2 -> Int! = [ x = Error2 code: 42 ^ this != 0 => x throw |=> 1 ]


If there more than one error you need to check them all, same as union matching:

Int dangerous -> Int![Error1 Error2] = [ Error1 text: "abc" |> throw Error2 code: -1 |> throw ^ 42 ] result = 42 dangerous ifError: [ | it | Error1 => [ "oups" echo ] // ERROR not all possible errors processed: Error2 ]

Default value

You can ignore matching and just define default value:

x = "text.txt" reatContent ifError: [ "default value" ]

Full example

errordomain MyError = | Error1 text: String | Error2 code: Int Int sas2 -> Int! = [ x = Error2 code: 42 x throw ^ this != 0 => x throw |=> 1 ] Int sas -> Int!Error1 = [ x = Error1 text: "Important error information ^_^" ^ this != 0 => x throw |=> 1 ] // catch error Int sus -> Int = [ y = 1 sas ifError: [ "got some error!!!" echo | it | Error1 => it text echo 42 ] y echo // 42 ^3 ] // ignore error Int sus2 -> Int! = [ ^5 sus ] 1 sus
Last modified: 21 July 2024