Code examples
That's just a copy of some examples from
// create type
type Person name: String age: Int
// create method
Person haveBirthday = age <- age + 1
// create instance
person = Person name: "sas" age: 6
// send message
person haveBirthday
enum Color r: Int g: Int b: Int =
| RED r: 255 g: 0 b: 0
| GREEN r: 0 g: 255 b: 0
| PURPLE r: 128 g: 0 b: 128
Color sumOfColors = r + g + b
Color.PURPLE sumOfColors echo
rg = Color.RED r + Color.GREEN g
rg echo
// Simple
enum Letter = A | B | C
x = Letter.A
// single line
union Color = Red r: Int | Green g: Int | Purple r: Int g: Int
// multi line
// x and y belong to each branch
union Shape x: Int y: Int =
| Rectangle width: Int height: Int
| Circle radius: Int
constructor Float pi = 3.14
Shape getArea -> Float =
| this
| Rectangle => width * height |> toFloat
| Circle => Float pi * radius * radius
x = Rectangle width: 2 height: 3 x: 0 y: 0
x getArea echo
// another example
union User =
| LoggedIn name: String
| Guest
User getName -> String = | this
| Guest => "Welcome guest"
| LoggedIn => name
User welcome =
("Welcome " + this getName) echo
user = LoggedIn name: "OleŠ³"
guest = Guest new
user welcome
guest welcome
Last modified: 16 November 2024