niva Help

vs Java



a = 21 b = a + a c::String = "string" // type declaration is :: d = true mut x = 5 x <- 6 // mutate
var a = 21; var b = a + a; String c = "string"; // type declaration is :: var d = true; var x = 5; x = 6;


type Square side: Int type Person name: String age: Int
class Square { Int side; Square(Int side) { this.side = side } } public class Person { public Int age; public String name; public Square(Int age, String name) { this.age = age = name } @Override public String toString() { return "Person{ name ='" + name + "', age =" + age + " }"; } }

Create instance:

square = Square side: 42 alice = Person name: "Alice" age: 24 // destruct fields by names {age name} = alice
Square square = new Square(42); Person alice = new Person("Alice", 24); int age = alice.getAge(); String name = alice.getName();

Function for type:

Int double = this + this Square perimeter = side double square = Square side: 42 square perimeter // call
// there is no way to extend internal type and create method outside class public class IntExtensions { public static int doubleValue(int value) { return value + value; } } //... public int doubleValue(int value) { return this.side.double(); } //... var square = Square(42) square.perimeter() // call

Type constructor:
its like a message for type itself instead of instance

constructor Float pi = 3.14 x = Float pi // 3.14

Functions with many args:

type Range from: Int to: Int Int to::Int = Range from: this to: to 1 to: 2 // Range

Conditions => is syntax sugar for ifTrue message, since conditions is pretty common

// syntax sugar 1 < 2 => "yay" echo // everything is message send(this is free because of lambda-inlining) 1 < 2 ifTrue: ["yay" echo] // with else branch 1 > 2 => "yay" echo |=> "oh no" echo 1 > 2 ifTrue: ["yay" echo] ifFalse: ["oh no" echo] type Range from: Int to: Int Int to::Int -> Range? = [ this > to => ^ null ^ Range from: this to: to ] 1 to: 2 // Range from: 1 to: 2

there is no special syntax for cycles

{1 2 3} forEach: [ it echo ] 1..10 forEach: [ it echo ] mut c = 10 [c > 0] whileTrue: [ c <- c dec ]

Matching: there is special syntax for matching, since niva heavily utilize tagged unions

x = "Alice" // matching on x | x | "Bob" => "Hi Bob!" | "Alice" => "Hi Alice!" |=> "Hi guest" // It can be used as expression as well y = | "b" | "a" => 1 | "b" => 2 |=> 0 y echo // 2


union Shape = | Rectangle width: Int height: Int | Circle radius: Int constructor Float pi = 3.14 Shape getArea -> Float = | this // "this" is Shape here | Rectangle => width * height |> toFloat | Circle => Float pi * radius * radius // its exhaustive, so when u add new branch // all the matches will become errors until all cases processed


x::Int? = null ...TODO

Handling the error:

Local arg names:

Int from: x::Int to: y::Int = this + x + y
Last modified: 07 August 2024