Type generic
A type marked with a single capital letter is considered a generic, for example T or G:
type Box v: T
intBox = Box v: 1
boolBox = Box v: false
intBox v + 1 |> echo
boolBox v not |> echo
Here we created a box with one generic field, so u can put different types here.
Explicit declaration
In some cases niva can infer the generic type, because there is no arguments.
union Option =
| Some v: T
| None
Here its easy for Some
, but not for None
, so we need to say type explicitly:
x = Some v: 42
y = None::Int new
x echo
y echo
Some v: 42
Same as for types, the list of generic params for msg will be inferred from arguments and return type:
Person x::T y::T -> MutableList::T = [
^ {x y}
p = Person new
list = p x: 1 y: 2
list echo // {1, 2}
Last modified: 27 November 2024