niva Help

Get currency rates via HTTP

We will use bindings to http4k and kotlinx.serialization lib, which you can get here

  • http

  • json

    Just add it to the same folder as your main.niva file.

Client: GET currency

Let's use free API from to get current currency list.


@Serializable type CurrencyResponce amount: Double base: String date: String rates: Map(String, Double)


I like creating a Program which has all deps for talking with outside world.
Here we need only client, so lets create custom constructor that adds it, kinda dependency inject.

type Program client: JavaHttpClient constructor Program new = Program client: JavaHttpClient new Program new

(new is not a keyword, I'm using Scala syntax highlighting here)


Let's define the method for getting info. I will use extend syntax here:

extend Program [ on httpGet: uri::String -> Response = [ request = Request method: Method.GET uri: uri ^ client Request: request ] ]

This method is just a little helper.

  1. We are creating a request with uri from arg and GET kind

  2. Then executing the request on the client will return Response


getCurrency method will use our httpGet to get the json from API, parse it to our model and print it.

on getCurrency = [ responce = .httpGet: "" responce status echo; bodyString echo curResponce = Json::CurrencyResponce decode: responce bodyString ^ curResponce ]

Here on the line responce status echo; bodyString echo I use cascade to send many messages to the same receiver.
Then decode currency via Json and printing its amount

Put everything together

type Program client: JavaHttpClient constructor Program new = Program client: JavaHttpClient new @Serializable type CurrencyResponce amount: Double base: String date: String rates: Map(String, Double) extend Program [ on httpGet: uri::String -> Response = [ request = Request method: Method.GET uri: uri ^ client Request: request ] on getCurrency = [ responce = .httpGet: "" curResponce = Json::CurrencyResponce decode: responce bodyString ^ curResponce ] ] // run Program new getCurrency base echo


Here single expression version, that looks kinda Clojure

URI = "" cur = Json::CurrencyResponce decode: ((JavaHttpClient new) Request: (Request method: Method.GET uri: URI) ) bodyString cur rates at: "USD" |> echo
Last modified: 15 December 2024