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Simple HTTP server

In Get currency rates via HTTP we used only client, here we will host a server with GET and POST routes.
We will use same 2 libraries:


We will use simple Person model with 2 fields

@Serializable type Person name: String age: Int

Get route

Let's declare path with ... path and method kind GET.
And just bind it to codeblock that will be executed.

path = "/hi" bind: Method.GET route = path to: [ response = Response status: Status.OK response body: "Hello, from niva okhttp server" ]

Post route

pathPost = "/person" bind: Method.POST routePost = pathPost to: [ person = Json::Person decode: it body strPayload response = Response status: Status.OK response body: person toString ]

Everything is pretty similar here but we're also parse the person from strPayload of the body, and answer with its string representation.


Collect all routes and start the server:

routes = Router routes: {route, routePost} routes asServer: (SunHttp port: 9000) |> start


You can run
curl -v http://localhost:8080/hi

curl -X POST http://localhost:9000/person \ -H "Content-Type: application/json" \ -d '{"name": "Alex", "age": 25}'

in your terminal to check that everything is working.

Or just check it from the code

client = JavaHttpClient new // printing client prints everything from responce printingClient::HttpHandler = PrintResponse new |> then: client request = Request method: Method.GET uri: "http://localhost:9000" responce = printingClient Request: request // send request, the client will print it

Put everything together

@Serializable type Person name: String age: Int // curl -v http://localhost:8080/hi path = "/hi" bind: Method.GET route = path to: [ response = Response status: Status.OK response body: "Hello, from niva server" ] pathPost = "/person" bind: Method.POST routePost = pathPost to: [ person = Json::Person decode: it body strPayload response = Response status: Status.OK response body: person toString ] routes = Router routes: {route, routePost} routes asServer: (SunHttp port: 9000) |> start // one liner


Router routes: {( "/example" bind: Method.GET |> to: [ Response status: Status.OK |> body: "Hii! niva server"])} |> asServer: (SunHttp port: 9000) |> start
Last modified: 14 December 2024